02 July 2009

arts camp 2009 was a blast.
well, all FASS camps have always been that fantastic anywayy...

it was something special this year, joining huiying to be in the same og again (we met in arts camp 2007!)
and of course getting to know all the councillors that i've always seen around in school but never ever really sat down to talk to...

random, but i dont like the way we segregate ourselves into freshies and seniors. it makes me feel reallyy old, and i hate how i'm getting older as i'm typing this right now...

siewmai was fantastic. all 15 freshies were wonderful.
we had the quiet but supportive ones, the upfront and enthusiastic ones, the funny ones, the beng one, etc.
i've got to admit that this OG is fantastic.. the spirit, and the bonds formed.

now i'm hoping this would continue... and we'll all still keep in touch and continue being friends years down the road!

now onto our next journey.
o week 2009. :)