15 September 2009


are eccentric.
are highly emotional.
are humble.
and they love what they are doing.

no one musician is every accomplished, because there is so much more to learn from people around you.
i learn from some of my students on how to remain passionate in music.
i learn from some of the people i meet new vocal techniques, music directions.
i learn from television new skills in singing, and playing, and music arrangements.
thing is: we learn continuously, no matter how good and accomplished we alreadi are....

i've finally found the extra effort to write a song after completely not writing for more than a year.
lets hope i can find a new direction in my writing...

btw, i'm lookin for an alto/soprano to assist me in my choir.
and also, talented lyricist to help me make my tunes nicer :)
so let me know if you or your friends can help! :)